Sunday, April 27, 2008

Does Self-Acceptance Come in Pill Form?

Most of the time I am ok with my Chunky Puddin' status. I mean, do I secretly wish for flat abs, thighs that don't jiggle, and a hiney that doesn't look like it got caught in a hail storm? Of course, but I also have learned to recognize the good things about me. I have great eyes, nice hair, strong legs, and a wicked sense of humor. But there are those days when I allow myself to head to that abyss-the place I hate. Where I overanalyze everything about myself and wish for the millionth time that I did not love chocolate as much as I do and convince myself that I really could learn to love eating nothing but salads and air. The place where society and it's perception of beauty and what is acceptable creep into my mind and make me doubt my fabulousness. But then I remind myself that I am blessed. I am a child of the King. I have a husband who loves me and a child who tells me every day that I am beautiful. And I remind myself that even Kate Beckensale with all her hotness has problems. No one is perfect. And when I am really down in the dumps, I put on the song "Big, Blond, and Beautiful" from Hairspray. That song is my mantra people. I love the line "who needs a twig when you can climb a whole tree." When I hear that song I am reminded that should Patrick Dempsey ever come my way, I will totally dazzle him with my great eyes, a flip of my hair, and my radiant smile. That McDreamy and his smile. :) Where was I? Oh, yeah. What I want for Riley is for her to define her own beauty. And not in what size her low rise jeans are or how "hot" she can look in a bikini. But in her kindness, in her tolerance of people and their differences, and in her love of God. But I am guilty of the opposite too. I mean when I first met Mike it wasn't only his personality that attracted me to him. We are visual creatures. I guess what I strive for, what I want for Riley, is to find comfort in my own skin. Is there a pill I can take for that?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Here's My Debut!

Well, Here it is my grand debut into the world of blogging. I think I will think of it as an electronic diary (only with lots of strangers reading it instead of only my mother). I never thought I was an interesting enough person to have a blog. I kind of put them along the lines of celebrities with their own websites and paparazzi complete with lack of good judgement and remembering to wear underwear. Ahhh, dear Britney what I could say to you. But that is another blog right? This one's about me right. That's one thing about me. I sometimes have a tendancy to ramble and stray from topic. You might have to remind me about that. What will my blogs be about you ask? I mean I live in small town Georgia, I teach second grade, I am married, I am a parent, and I have traveled the road of infertility. That is months and months of blogs right there people (Not mention a medal of honor for bravery for those fertility treatments. I could tell you things that would curl your toes and I probably will at some point!) I can regal you with the exhiliarating stories about my students, my preschooler, my charming husband, my trips to Walmart, my destiny with Patrick Dempsey....oh sorry there I go again. Must not think about Grey's Anatomy and blog at same time. Anyways, welcome to my life people. Feel free to drop in a tell me what you think of it! Until next time.....